What is #ArtsMattersNI?
A steering group convened late last year to raise awareness of the value of arts and culture to NI life - including promoting social and economic goals through local regeneration, attracting tourists, developing of talent and innovation, improving health and wellbeing, delivering essential services and contributing to the local economy - and the serious effects of any decrease in funding allocation.
Arts Matter in Northern Ireland (#ArtsMatterNI) is an arts advocacy group of professionals, participants and volunteers from across Northern Ireland.
How you can help
If you haven't already done so, support the campaign by signing up on the Arts Matters NI website.
There is an ongoing call for examples (images, blog pieces, video, audio) which demonstrate the high impact of the arts in as many ways as possible.
Use #artsmatterni to share content or send material directly to ArtsMatterNI
Please support their campaign!!
'Fight the Cuts' Campaign In light of further arts funding cuts, a 'Fight the Cuts' meeting has taken place at Belfast Circus School, 23 Gordon Street on Friday 16th October. Following the meeting, it has been decided to hold a rally at Stormont on Tuesday, 3 November. Keep in touch with the ArtsMatterNI campaign via their website.